Travel Tools

All the information you need when travelling, world times and time zones, travel updates and warning, Canada Customs allowances, world wide weather, airport codes, destination guides, conversion tables, Bank holidays worldwide, currency converter and more:
The Weather Network Check the weather before you go Canadian Passport Application Download an application form for a Canadian Passport Destination Guide Use our Destination Guide to get information about the city you plan to visit, or browse it to find a destination for that perfect vacation A Global World A Global World has a wealth of information for travellers. International dialing codes, international distances, global times and time zones, holidays for all religions and countries, weather for cities and countries, global voltage, and links to other information. They also sell an international planning diary that makes a great gift. Airline and airport web sites Searchable links to airline and airport websites. Airport and city codes This is a big help if you’re booking on-line. You can enter the city and it will return the 3 letter airport code. Convert Me All kinds of conversion tables, imperial to metric, weight, capacity, volume, and some interesting Russian and Japanese measurements. You might need to read the help page. Currency Converter XE.Com, an easy to use currency converter Foreign Affairs Canada Country profiles Good information in the country profiles including Canadian Embassies and Consulates. Foreign Affairs Canada Travel updates Always a good idea to check the warnings from Foreign Affairs. Mapquest Mapquest for maps and driving directions worldwide World Time Server Times and time zones from World Time Server.

Canada Customs Duty Free Allowances

Absence from Canada Amount in Canada $ Alcohol Tobacco Number of times per year after 24 hours $50.00 none none any after 48 hours $200.00 1.14 Litres (40oz.) of Liquor 1 Carton (200 Cigarettes) and 50 Cigars any after 7 days $750.00 1.14 litres of liquor or 1.5 litres of wine 1 Carton (200 Cigarettes) and 50 Cigars and 200 grams of Tobacco and 200 Tobacco Sticks any
If you need information and you can't find the link here please contact us.

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